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The role of whitening in PVC bag printing

In the printing of PVC bags, the raw materials belong to transparent soft PVC materials. Since the PVC film will shrink due to heat, it is difficult to avoid whitening.

Dew white refers to printing with CMYK 4 colors and one color version. Because the UV printing material is hot-set, it is inevitable that if two adjacent color blocks use different color plates, then There may be a slight misalignment that results in no ink. If the color blocks of the two colors of C and M are together, the whiteness produced when printing is particularly obvious. Generally, different color plates are used in adjacent color blocks, just like the left one uses a color version of M and Y to form a red color, and the right side has only a C color version and no one has a blue color of the M, Y component. Only appeared white. The so-called replenishment white is to add a very thin edge with two sides of color between the two color blocks. If you take the above example, it is to use C, M, Y to do this edge. There are also generally black texts that can be trapped (overprinted), and not in PHOTOSHOP or in addition to white (except for special requirements).

High-end printing is very particular about whiteout, but there aren't many restrictions on general design, even though you have designed it according to your ideas.

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