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The future development of plastic packaging

        Looking at blister packaging requires a global perspective. In addition to packaging products, users and the environment to be used must also be considered. In addition, measuring the first layer of the package and the second layer of the third layer of the package, the use of less blister packaging in the first two stages may mean that the third layer of the package is used for transport. (Foreign packaging is divided into several categories. One is direct contact with the product. The first is blister packaging. The second layer is a functional packaging, such as a product container. The third layer is not functional. Packaging, such as packaging required for shipping. A global vision in packaging design and development is essential to the development of a successful product. Good blister packaging may not turn a bad product into a bestseller, but bad packaging can ruin a good product.

        As people become more aware of sustainable development, more and more brand owners and retailers are paying attention to whether the packaging is wasted and whether the packaging is environmentally friendly. The sustainable development of thermoplastic packaging has become the focus of attention of packaging users. From this point of view, whether plastic packaging is environmentally friendly and whether it can not be separated from its production chain and transportation process. Many companies have made great innovations on the road to sustainable development.

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